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6 business mistakes to avoid this summer


With the summer holidays just around the corner and the temptations to jet off for warmer climes growing, many entrepreneurs will soon be about to escape it all by having a well-deserved break.

But there are a few things you should consider before setting off for sun, sea and sandy beaches to prevent potential business headaches on your return.

Here, we highlight six mistakes SMEs should avoid when going on holiday this summer:

1. Forgetting to schedule payments

The last thing you want on your return to work is to be faced with final demand letters from suppliers with late payment charges attached, but one of the most common reasons for the late payment of invoices is that authorisation couldn’t be obtained. Before you set off, make sure you set up and authorise payments for all of your due bills, or delegate this task to another senior person in the business.

2. …or set up an out-of-office reply

Just because you’re taking a break doesn’t mean everyone else will be. Make sure you set up an out-of-office reply on your emails so that your contacts know you’re on holiday and not just ignoring them, and direct urgent enquiries to someone else who can take care of things while you’re away.

3. Failing to get paid

Particularly in smaller businesses, it’s vital that provisions are made to ensure someone keeps on top of your credit control. Whether that’s an existing employee, part-time resource or even an outsourced agency, you need to find someone to ensure this vital task isn’t neglected in your absence.

4. Racking up huge phone bills

Despite being on holiday the temptation to check in and see what’s happening at work is all too much for some. Fortunately, data roaming charges have come down in recent years, but it’s still possible to rack up a huge bill if you’re not careful. Remember to turn off your data roaming and find Wi-Fi hotspots if you need to get online. If you regularly go abroad, be sure to do some research and make sure you have the best contract, which could save you lots of money in the long run.

5. Failing to schedule marketing content

If you’ve put in lots of hard work to drive people to your site via blog posts and social media, the last thing you want is to undo it all by taking two weeks off and leaving it untouched. Ask a colleague you trust to keep it up to date or simply schedule some posts to go up while you are away to maintain your presence and see the benefits on your return.

6. Forgetting to enjoy it

Most importantly, remember to have fun. While it’s hard to switch off entirely, everyone needs a break to boost your health and give you time to rejuvenate. If you have to stay connected to work, try to set aside a short period each day specifically for work and then switch off for the rest, allowing you to enjoy your time away from the business so that you go back feeling fresh.

Do you have more tips to share? Please leave your comments below.


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