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7 things a credit controller would never say


On our blog we’re always talking about all the things a successful credit controller would do. But what about the things they shouldn’t?

Here’s our list of 7 things that a great credit controller would (or should) never say. Do you have more to add? Let us know in the comments below.

1. “How much do you owe?”

A good credit controller will always be on top of invoicing and know exactly how much a customer owes at all times. Asking a customer how much they owe not only gives them the opportunity to lie, it also gives the impression that you’re disorganised and suggests they may be able to get away with not paying on time.

2. “I can’t find your invoice”

Whilst it’s common for your customers to say this, a good credit controller would always be able to find a customer’s invoice in the event they call either to pay or with a query. It’s important to always have accurate records of all invoices and keep these easily accessible at all times.

3. “Oh, don’t worry about signing the terms and conditions”

Your business’s terms and conditions are so important when it comes to getting paid, but they’re pointless if you don’t get them signed by your customers. Not having signed copies could mean you have nothing to fall back on should you need to take enforcement action against customers who refuse to pay your invoices.

4. “We only accept cheques”

Not only do cheques take days to clear, they also open the door to one of the most famous late payment excuses. Moreover, they don’t give your customers enough choice when it comes to payment. Where possible, try to offer a range of payment methods as this makes it easier for your customers, which will increase your chances of being paid on time.

5. “That’s close enough”

Whilst at times it can be beneficial to write off all or part of a debt, if you consistently take this approach to credit control you could find yourself in financial difficulty further down the line. It also gives your customer the impression that you don’t mind if they’re a little short on what they owe. This blog post will help you to avoid what must always be considered a last resort.

6. “What’s late payment interest?”

The power of late payment interest would never be underestimated by a successful credit controller. Not only does the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act give businesses the right to charge their customers compensation and statutory interest on any overdue invoices to help cover the debt collection costs involved, it also tells your customers that you take late payment seriously and will often encourage them to pay on time.

7. “I hate my job”

With credit control requiring a lot of time and resource, it’s not surprising that some companies with limited resources struggle and start hating the task of credit control. If this is the case, outsourced credit control companies can take on the task for you. Their passion and commitment to the job, combined with their extensive expertise, will often see better results.

Do you have your own suggestions for what a credit controller would never say? Let us know in the comments below.


Just some of our clients

  • Construction Recruitment Services
  • Close Brothers Invoice Finance
  • FRP Advisory
  • PNC Business Credit
  • Harrisons Business Recovery
  • Leonard Curtis
  • Wupwoo
  • NatWest
  • Kreston Reeves
  • Eazipay
  • Wote Street People
  • Custom Glass
  • Quantuma
  • Kroll
  • SER Contractor
  • Midland Rock
  • Mazars
  • Leumi ABL
  • BNP Paribas
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