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8 simple strategies to prevent business burnout


As bonfire night approaches we look forward to watching the skies light up with dazzling displays. But just like those spectacular fireworks will quickly fade, as a business owner you are also at risk of burning out due to the pressures and strains of the job.

If you lose your sparkle it can erode your confidence, drain your energy and encourage procrastination, and before long your business could be in serious danger.

Fortunately, business burnout is completely avoidable if you employ these eight simple strategies.

1. Delegate

Your business is like your baby and as a result it can be tempting to try and do it all yourself. But being at the centre of all your business activities will guarantee burnout. So, don’t carry the burden of the company all by yourself. Learn how to delegate effectively to skilled employees or outsourced providers so that you can maximise the use of your time and your strengths.

2. Look after yourself

It may be tempting to stay up all night finishing a business task or to grab an unhealthy snack whilst you’re running off to an important meeting but failing to look after yourself is the fastest way to business burnout. So, always make sure you get a good night’s rest, eat healthily and exercise regularly. Not only will this help your business perform better, you’ll look, feel and sleep better too.

3. Take a break

As hard as it can be sometimes to take a break from our work, it’s important to schedule in some down time. If you have a packed schedule the best way to ensure you get to take a break is to schedule it in your calendar as if it were a meeting. By taking some time to yourself you will refresh your creativity and reboot your brain ready to concentrate on your business again.

4. Restore your confidence

When you reach a stumbling block, get some bad news or are simply just having a bad day it can quickly send you spiralling towards business burnout. In these situations, it’s vital that you quickly restore your confidence. To do this simply look back on your past successes, celebrate your accomplishments and acknowledge how far you’ve come. It can be beneficial to keep a folder of successes that you can read through on particularly tough days.

5. Learn to say no

Sometimes business owners find it tough to say no and end up in a stressful situation when they don’t have enough time to do everything. Whether it’s taking on more work than you can handle or always being available, giving away too much of your time can be a quick way to burnout. So always remember that you can’t please everyone and it’s OK to say no.

6. Focus your attention

Multitasking remains a sought-after skill, but trying to do too many things at once can be counterproductive. For example, attempting to have a phone conversation whilst replying to emails can seem like you’re completing two tasks at once but, when your attention is divided, it can be extremely inefficient. Instead, focus on one task at a time so that all your energy is directed towards successfully completing one goal.

7. Manage your time

Another key offender for causing business burnout is poor time management. If this is something you struggle with you may find it beneficial to have a set schedule and stick to it. To achieve this, develop a routine throughout the day, set regular business hours and make appointments with yourself to get things done. Often, having a set routine can quickly improve productivity because it becomes a natural process.

8. Prioritise

As a business owner it can often feel like your to-do list is never-ending. And, when this happens, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and demotivated. By prioritising your to-do list based on your goals you can see which tasks are more urgent and eliminate unnecessary activities. This will allow you to achieve much more throughout the day and prevent that demoralising feeling of having too much to do and not enough time to do it.


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