0800 9774848


Introducing our new website


Hilton-Baird Collection Services is today pleased to unveil its new website.

The new site has been built to enable businesses of all sizes to find the credit management support, tips and advice they are looking for to help them improve their credit control processes, recover outstanding invoices and get paid sooner.

Here, we run through some of the new features and tools which we hope you’ll find useful:

Helpful blog and resource centre

There are two core sections on our website where businesses can go to find useful information and guides on ways to improve their credit control. Our blog covers all the latest credit management news, views and how-tos – with a comments section so you can share your experiences and interact with other businesses, and a useful ‘related articles’ section to find similar content which might be of interest.

Meanwhile, our resource centre is home to more in-depth guides, eBooks and videos to cater for everyone’s preferences, and these are linked to from each product page. Be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get these delivered direct to your inbox every Thursday morning!

Simple menu structure

The new site consolidates the range of commercial debt collection services we offer into a simple menu structure that allows visitors to navigate their way around the site as quickly and easily as possible – whether you’re browsing on PC, tablet or mobile.

If you know what you’re looking for, simply browse our services to see where we fit in. Alternatively, take a look at the different services we can provide based on the size of your business, as we’ve spent more than 15 years refining our products to suit every business. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Simply request a call back to discuss your specific requirements with one of our collections consultants.

Great new tools

We’ve invested in a number of new tools to make lives easier for businesses.

Did you know that British companies are legally entitled to charge their customers statutory interest and compensation on overdue invoices? Our Late Payment Calculator allows you to calculate how much you could charge by answering just two questions!

Meanwhile, our debt collection quote will give you an instant indication of the success-only fee we would charge for recovering any overdue invoices you’re thinking about outsourcing, while it’s also possible to formally instruct us online using our instruct a debt form.

Client Zone

We firmly believe that it’s important for debt collection agencies to be as transparent as possible when it comes to their activity.

That’s why we’ve built a Client Zone portal that allows our clients to securely view the status of their instructions at any time. Contact our team on 0800 9774848 should you wish to find out more or request a demo.

A fresh new look

Last but not least, we should point out that the new website is part of a significant rebranding exercise to make the Hilton-Baird brand more modern and appealing to businesses. It follows hot on the heels of our sister company Hilton-Baird Financial Solutions – an independent commercial finance broker – launching their new website earlier this year.

With a refreshed logo and a new concept which places an emphasis on the personal and professional service our clients can expect to receive from us, we hope it demonstrates that businesses in need of a trustworthy and successful debt collection agency have someone they can turn to.

If you have any feedback on the new site or would like to discuss how Hilton-Baird could help your business, please contact us on 0800 9774848 or email collections@hiltonbaird.co.uk.


Just some of our clients

  • Quantuma
  • Wupwoo
  • Barclays
  • Construction Recruitment Services
  • NatWest
  • Harrisons Business Recovery
  • FRP Advisory
  • Eazipay
  • Midland Rock
  • SER Contractor
  • Leonard Curtis
  • Custom Glass
  • Kroll
  • Mazars
  • Kreston Reeves
  • Close Brothers Invoice Finance
  • Leumi ABL
  • PNC Business Credit
  • Wote Street People
  • BNP Paribas

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority