0800 9774848

Success Stories

Recognising which route to take

Recognising which route to take

Many businesses successfully manage their credit control in-house, however sometimes difficult customers make it necessary to call upon an outsourced debt collection agency to assist with recovering tricky debts.

When a jewellery wholesalers encountered a difficult customer, Hilton-Baird was on hand to help deliver a positive outcome.

After providing goods to the value of £16,500, a payment plan was agreed over 10 months. Having dealt with the customer before, our client felt comfortable offering these payment terms as they had always paid well in the past. But unfortunately this was no longer the case.

The customer quickly fell behind on their instalments and grew increasingly difficult to contact. Frustrated with continued failed attempts to collect payment, the business decided to get in touch with Hilton-Baird.

Our team worked quickly to contact the customer, but it soon became clear that they had no intention of paying and that a firmer approach was needed to persuade them to settle the outstanding debt. So our client decided to take legal action.

As a full service provider, Hilton-Baird worked closely with the client to provide assistance, advice and management of the legal process, removing the burden from the business whilst bringing our expertise. Our approach involved maintaining regular and positive communication with both parties throughout the process, as our experience has shown that continued personal contact increases the chances of recovery.

With our client running a very busy schedule, setting dates for action was proving difficult. To save time and money, an out-of-court settlement was agreed between both parties, much to the satisfaction of our client.

If you also have an outstanding debt that’s proving tricky to recover, look no further. Contact our team today to find out how our award-winning services can help you, or get a quick quote to find out what we’d charge should we successfully recover your unpaid invoices.

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Just some of our clients

  • Kreston Reeves
  • Mazars
  • PNC Business Credit
  • Harrisons Business Recovery
  • Close Brothers Invoice Finance
  • FRP Advisory
  • SER Contractor
  • NatWest
  • Eazipay
  • Quantuma
  • Wote Street People
  • Wupwoo
  • Custom Glass
  • Midland Rock
  • Leumi ABL
  • Kroll
  • Leonard Curtis
  • BNP Paribas
  • Barclays
  • Construction Recruitment Services

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority