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GALLERY: CEO’s swims raise over £6,000 for two great charities


Our CEO, Alex Hilton-Baird, has raised over £6,000 after completing two challenging charity swims this summer.

The challenge started in August with the 14km Thames Marathon swim in aid of Wessex Cancer Trust.

It was the longest swim Alex has participated in since first discovering his love for the sport a few years ago, but he didn’t let that put him off.

He completed the 14km stretch of the River Thames between Henley and Marlow in just 4 hours and 42 minutes – an outstanding achievement in testing conditions.

Then last weekend, spurred on by the fantastic sponsorship and support he had received, Alex completed the Solent Swim for Aspire, a charity that supports people living with a spinal cord injury.

After a stormy Saturday the weather was on Alex’s side but choppy waters and a jellyfish sting to the chin added to the challenge.

He swam the 9.3km across the Solent to the Isle of Wight and back in an impressive 3 hours and 17 minutes.

We would like to thank everyone who donated to these wonderful causes. Hilton-Baird matched the £3,006 raised, taking the total to £6,012. Your support will make a huge difference to the lives of so many people.

Here are some photos from the events. Can you spot Alex?


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